Twitter For Business – Intro


Much has been written about Twitter for business.  It can be used in many ways – if you have a twitter account, you have probably seen various companies using it in different ways.  This video gives quick tips for using Twitter for business. 

For a more detailed review, you will want to watch the one-hour session on “Twitter for Business” from O’Reily.


3 thoughts on “Twitter For Business – Intro

  • February 27, 2009 at 8:27 PM

    I learned something on twitter today. Did a search on “dental appointments” just to see what was being said and saw a lady complaining about having to “call back during normal hours” to schedule an appointment. I can see the need for an after hours scheduling protocal for my own practice. Two weeks ago, I never heard of twitter – today it helped me improve my practice. Who would have thought?

  • February 27, 2009 at 9:24 PM

    How were you searching Twitter? What did you use?

  • March 1, 2009 at 1:18 PM

    You can search Twitter using (opens in a new window).

    Search results will show tweets containing your search term. You can see who initiated the tweet and click to visit their profile. You can also reply from the search results. If the tweet lead to a conversation, you can click “view conversation” to see all the related tweets.

    Nice feature for finding tweeple (people) who are talking about topics of interest to you.

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